Slowing Down to Lift Them Up

This morning, I made breakfast, packed lunches, reviewed homework, and drove my daughter to school all within an hour of rising. These are important things I do for them, the ones I love. Afterall, I choose to be a stay-at-home mom, so I can provide my love and attention in a way that is supportive to both them and myself. However, I know that beyond anything I do, it is how I am ‘being’ that is the greatest gift I can give my family.

I know them so well, and I do things for them from a place of sensitivity. I often light candles and sometimes play soft music as we are getting ready. Carefully, I pack each lunch with foods they like or love. Each one is different. Does that mean we are always quiet and calm? Absolutely not. However, it is a reminder, maybe more for me than for them. It brings my attention back to what I want to give.

Their presence matters

What do I give? I begin by being present to them as much as possible. Not only do I prepare food, but I offer my attention to how I am preparing it. I notice how I’m feeling about what I am packing for them. I bless their food. Most important to me is the warmth between us. It is vital to my day to hug them, look them in the eye, see them, feel them, and adore them. I am grateful for their presence in my life. My wish for them, what I want them to know, is that above anything they will encounter in the day, their presence matters.

My daughter had multiple tests to study for last night. She is remarkable! She knows the art of creating balance. Still, there are moments when she feels overwhelm. We all do. Sometimes, I want to lighten the load. I wonder about the effects of school. Then, I take a deep breath and realize that she will feel what I feel. So, this morning, when she was studying on the car ride to school, I got in unison with her. I offered her my silent support. I sent her waves of peace. Eventually, everything I sent to her came back to me. There was peace.

No matter how the day unfolds, I can believe that they know how to move through it with more grace and ease.

So much happens in their day. I can only imagine. Yes, I can only imagine and, if I do, I can envision the best outcomes for them. I can imagine a peace-filled navigation of the day. No matter how the day unfolds, I can believe that they know how to move through it with more grace and ease. I can believe it because it is my intention for them. It is how I empower them. When I believe that they know how to do this, I see evidence of that.

At the end of the day, when we meet again, no matter what has transpired, they amaze me with their insights, their personal strength, their appreciation, and above all, their love. The hug I give at the beginning of the day comes full circle. I am welcomed. My presence matters. And my wishes come true!

with love and wishes for well-BEing,

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