Becoming an Awakened Family + My New Super Power

Since I read the Awakened Family book…

I pause more often to reflect on how I can apply what I’ve learned. To be honest, I had been applying conscious parenting techniques very naturally as I became more conscious over the years. However, there is always something more to learn. In fact, it makes sense that what I do and how I live will evolve from a new way of thinking and seeing the world.  And it has been especially helpful to tune in to this new information as my children have gone back to school.

As an awakened mom, I see the world as my children’s classroom. I’m grateful for everything they will learn on the journey of life. Each experience will guide them to the next. Every choice they make will serve to direct and redirect them. Ultimately, they have an inner compass. The more I trust this, the more peace I bring to us all.

Though the start of school signals the end of summer and the timelessness we enjoy during this blissful time, I know that these changes cultivate our appreciation. I appreciate my children. While the world is their classroom, they are some of my greatest teachers. I’m learning to tune in and be more aware of the expectations I have of them. At the same time, I am trusting that everything they experience will give them opportunities to choose. If I look at the whole of my own journey, I can see that they will persevere. In fact, the more conscious I am, the more they will approach school and any other endeavor with an awareness, a more open heart, and peace of mind. How I lead will make a difference.

My New Super Power…

My children are so smart! What they teach me is invaluable and, if I apply it, life-changing. I am learning to give a new perspective to things we may overlook in our communication. When we approach things more lovingly, we ‘automagically’ create a more powerful version. For example, we often talk about how we are reacting or responding to one another. I had a great insight about this today. I see this word responsibility in a new way. What is my Response-ability? How am I able to respond based on patterns of behaviors I’ve practiced? In order to respond differently, I need to first notice how I’m responding. How do I do that when I am interacting during the day?

I realize that I can apply what I do when I’m meditating. Just breathe! Yes, that is my new Super Power. It sounds so simple, and I’ve heard it before. In fact, I’ve done it before, but it has a wealth of new meaning for me today. Being present and more aware has given new meaning to virtually everything in my life. Most importantly, letting my children in on it is the key. Whenever I have a realization like this, I share it with them. Not only do they remind me to follow through with what I share, but they have an opportunity to participate, too. They are able to experience how this will work for them. I keep in mind that, though these things take time, they are so worth it.

A Conscious Celebration…

Finally, I wanted to share that, as I was writing in my son’s birthday card this week, I noticed how it is easy to write our wishes for our children and give them advice, which are all well-intended. But as I started writing, I had an insight. I’m not just celebrating my child’s birth day, the day I gave birth. I’m celebrating the amazing day I first got to meet him! How amazing it was to welcome this new life into my own.

Though I have always treasured my children, this took my appreciation to a new level. I didn’t just give birth to this beautiful child before me. I received the gift of every moment we would share and everything I would learn about myself by being his mother. That is something to celebrate! So that is what I wrote. I simply told him how grateful I am that I got to meet him on that blessed day, and I’m grateful he is my son. I also included a picture of something he told me he wants to experience. It is my way of letting him know I heard him and also, one way I can support his vision.

These micro-shifts in my awareness have given me the greatest joys. The more aware I am, the more sensitive I become. It’s the kind of tenderness that softens my heart and allows me to love myself and my children more and more each day!

with greatest appreciation,

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