How I Write Morning Pages: The Artist’s Way

Almost ten years ago, I read the book, the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I not only read it, I immersed myself in it. The book itself is a 12 week course in both discovery and recovery of the creative self. For me, it was a process to unearth some of my greatest treasures by going on a journey of my own.

“The pages do not teach me to become anything but rather they allow me to show up just as I am.”

One of the foundational tools of the Artist’s Way is Morning Pages. I have been journaling consistently for over thirteen years, and I have come back to Morning Pages over and over again during this last decade since doing the Artist’s Way course.. One of the things I love about Morning Pages is the grace and magic of the process. The pages do not teach me to become anything but rather they allow me to show up just as I am. When I do, the  Morning Pages transform simple thoughts into insights and awareness and peace.

What are Morning Pages and How Do You Begin?

Simply put, Morning Pages is three long-hand pages written in stream of consciousness. The goal of this kind of writing is to meet your mind first thing in the morning before it literally goes wild in the rest of your day. Let every thought that flows into your mind spill onto the paper. No Censoring. I just write whatever is going on in my head…things like my to-do list… I have to do laundry. Oh, I need to write back to my friend. I am going to clean my closet and donate everything that I don’t wear anymore. Writing these pages clears my mind of routine thoughts and prepares a space in my day for more compassion and creativity to shine through.

Over the years, the way I use the pages has evolved into my own version. Nonetheless, just writing every day in my journal has been significant…

  • I use a spiral-bound notebook to keep my pages in one place. Julia Cameron suggests not going back to read your pages, but I do. I don’t read them soon after, but I sometimes come back to them months after writing them. While the pages are not full of information, there is the occasional nugget of insight.
  • I journal first thing in the morning since I’ve been getting up an hour before my family. However, I also journal after I see them off to work and school. The point of Morning Pages is to move thoughts from the mind to the paper as soon as possible.
  • Finally, I write whatever is on my mind. Sometimes right in the middle of my pages, I write my to-do list. I write and keep writing until I come to the end of three full pages.

Some things I keep in mind…

  • The pages are meanderings, expression verses exploration. However, there is no wrong way to do them. 
  • These are my personal expressions, so I keep them to myself like I would a diary.
  • Since I won’t be sharing them, I don’t censor my pages. I write for myself and therefore, I feel more free to write whatever flows onto the page.

I plan to get up a little earlier in the morning to write my pages 15-30 minutes ahead of my normal schedule. Whenever I wonder why I’m getting up so early, I ask myself, how I can afford not to.

“When I honor the whole process of writing for myself in the morning, it makes room for magic and miracles in my day!”

One of the things I discovered is that when I have been writing over time, doing Morning Pages for a series of days, something magical happens by the end of the three pages. Sometimes, just as I complete them, an idea or insight makes its way onto the page. Whether the idea shows up or not, I suddenly feel a sense of awareness and presence, closure and peace the moment I come the end. Most importantly, I have room in my mind and in my day for other magical things to show up. And they do!! When I honor the whole process of writing for myself in the morning, it makes room for magic and miracles in my day! That in itself is worth it. I have found the more I honor and make time in my life for sacred practices, the more life honors me.

Personally, I end my Morning Pages with an act of gratitude. Truly, it’s more than an act. I have come to appreciate my journal time, and I appreciate this practice beyond words. However, I do write these words at the end of my daily entry…

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

And I thank you for being here!

with love and gratitude,




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