Radiant Reads: The Miracle Morning

“Know that wherever you are in your life right now is both temporary, and exactly where you are supposed to be. You have arrived at this moment to learn what you must learn, so you can become the person you need to be to create the life you truly want.”

Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning

This summer, my son and I were sharing our thoughts on life, visions, and dreams. We have a lot in common. We know the power of potential, and we see ourselves as virtually unlimited. However, we also understand that our brains are wired to keep us safe and comfortable. In order to become something different, we need to do something different. Interestingly, we each made a list of books we wanted to read and, when we compared them, we had some in common. I’m grateful for the time we spent reading and sharing our insights. It is a gift I will treasure.

This particular book was easy to read. In fact, the book endorses daily reading, so it was a built-in perk!  In addition, the author invites you to participate in six practices each and every morning to begin living your best life. And the most important part of the plan is found in the title…

The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8AM 

What I love about this program is that I could initiate it while I was reading the book. I really wanted to give it a try! The key here is to start your day about an hour earlier than normal in order to implement the six S.A.V.E.R.S. Though it was challenging at first to get up so early, I found myself looking forward to it in no time. Hal Elrod says that it’s like Christmas morning again and again. Why is that? To answer that question, let’s begin with the six practices of the program.

What Are the S.A.V.E.R.S?

  1. Silence: Do some form of meditation or prayer. Breathe. Take time to tune in and get in touch.
  2. Affirmations:Write a set of intentions that clearly match your vision and visit them daily.
  3. Visualization: Sit comfortably with your dreams, and simply see yourself living the life you imagine. 
  4. Exercise: Move your body! Hal particularly likes yoga, and so do I.
  5. Reading: Activate your mind and learn something new by reading just a few pages.
  6. Scribing: Write in your journal, and especially keep a Daily Gratitude List.

Hal invites you to spend about ten minutes with each of the Life S.A.V.E.R.S to equal the full hour but also gives modifications for different schedules. He even has a mini version for those mornings when you have just ten minutes to devote. Also, you can do them in any order that best fits you. I was more and more excited as I read about each one because, over the years, I have been building my own version of the S.A.V.E.R.S into my daily routine. My son and I recognized that I do them all. The difference was now I was going to do them all before I woke my children up for school, made breakfast, or prepared lunches. This time was for me and, in the long run, everyone would benefit! The truth is I was excited about it. It did feel like Christmas, and I couldn’t wait to get up and start my day!

After reading all the chapters outlined in the book, Hal issued an invitation in the form of a 30 Day Challenge. By this time, I was already a few days into the program, so I didn’t even think about not doing it. I just completed 30 days of my Miracle Morning this week!

Here’s What Happened…

  • Though I was sleepy on a few of the mornings, I did what Hal suggested and drank water. Hydration is energy!
  • Because I placed my journal, book, pens, and other materials downstairs, I had to leave my bedroom to begin.
  • Each morning, my alarm went off at 5:15. In no time, I began waking up before the alarm.
  • I sat by candlelight to meditate. This was a beautiful little sanctuary in my day.
  • I appreciated this quiet time before the rest of the world was awake. Most of all, by the time my family was waking for the day, I felt like I was prepared to greet them.
  • I read more this summer than I have in quite a while!
  • Overall, I felt very productive, in tune, and aligned.

Though I’ve been doing these things for years, I love how Hal neatly packaged them all together and tied them up with a bow as one very special gift…yes, like Christmas! One insight I had is found in the following quote from the book:

“You need a life purpose, which can be any purpose you want. It can be anything that resonates with and inspires you to wake up every day and live in alignment with your purpose. Keep in mind you can change your life purpose at any time. As you grow and evolve, so will your purpose.”

Big aha moment! I have always wanted to know what is my purpose? What am I supposed to do besides everything I love to do? What is the plan for me? Over the years I realized I am always on purpose. Whenever I am doing what I love, what lights me up, I am doing my purpose. This book put it succinctly. I truly get to choose. It helped me to get instant clarity…

My Purpose is to Radiate positive vibes, Be excited about life, Shine my light, and Let everyone on my path know that they have great worth and value! 

I love this book! It touches my heart that my son found it inspiring as well. To sum up the powerful message of The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, I leave you with this last quote:

“Always remember that where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be, from this moment on.”

with love from my heart to yours,



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