How to Use a Journal Prompt + A Tool I Use in My Personal Practice

I love to journal every day, as often as possible! Taking time to write my life is taking time to make things right. When I write, pen-in-hand, hand-to-paper, I feel the way things come together. Thoughts flow and, whether their positive or not, they show themselves, and I get to see them “out loud”. Most of the time that’s all I need to clarify them and make peace with something I know may be keeping me stuck.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Writing in my journal is one way to change how I see the world, or at least the world within my head. That is the true beginning of really changing the world as I experience it. To me, writing is meditative. Sometimes, when we meditate on words or quotes from others, like the one above by Dr. Dyer, we can apply a practice into our day that shifts us long enough to see a new possibility. That’s what I do when I use quotes as a journal prompt.

A few years ago, I created a quote generator for about 40 of my favorite quotes. I then added positive affirmations that felt aligned with each one. On days when I choose to use a prompt for my writing, I go to my page…

Your Daily Inspirational Quote and Affirmation + Journal Prompt .

What I love about the Journal Prompts:

  • They are varied by different authors from all backgrounds
  • There is a positive affirmation for each
  • Sometimes I get the same one over and over again/There’s a theme
  • They’re magical! I close my eyes, think of my question or inquiry and then the right message appears.

How to Use Journal Prompts:

Whether you use my Morning Glory quotes and affirmations or another prompt for your writing, the only thing you need to know is that once you choose it, you meditate on what it means for you. First, write it in your journal, so you can see it. Then just start writing. Let the messages flow through you and invite yourself to honor whatever you feel so that it shows up on the paper. Amazingly, things will show up that you may not have been expecting, things you don’t think about consciously. You might get a surprise answer or an actual prompt to take an action today! In fact, as I was doing my prompt for today, I felt a nudge to share this practice with you and so I did! It’s that simple.

Here is the quote and affirmation I used to fuel my sharing today:

“An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.”

~Victor Hugo~

I am an open channel for new and creative ideas. I allow them to flow through me with grace and ease.

This is Your Time to Relax, Take a Deep Breath, Quiet Your Mind,  and Connect with Your Heart  

I’d love to hear how this method works for you! If you have an experience you’d like to share, please feel free to contact me or post a message below. We all learn by our willingness to share. At the same time, we are teachers for others. Thank you for being here today. I appreciate you with all my heart!

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