Radiant Reads: Child of the Dawn

“You are seeking someone you already know… You are looking outward when the one you seek is within.”

Maloney, Child of the Dawn by Guatama Chopra

If you ask me what type of book I read most often, I will tell you without a blink, that I absolutely love reading self-development books hands-down. Novels and stories don’t often interest me unless I am reading them with my children. In which case, I read just about any story, any book, anytime. I love the whimsy of children’s books and, most of all, I enjoy getting lost in the story with someone. Children are the best ones to accompany on an adventure because it ultimately comes to life for both of us! Child of the Dawn is one such book. Only this time, it was handed to me by another adult for adult reading. While it took me on a child-like adventure, one that kept me hanging on to every page, it read like a self-development book. And I read it by myself.

A Magcial Journey of Awakening

I took this sweet little book into the bath with me, an invitation from my thoughtful husband to relax. As I read by candlelight, I felt like I was transported. Though the story takes place in a small village in India, I felt like it pulled me beyond that place and into space!

I followed Hakim, an orphan, on his trek to find the one who has the ultimate wisdom. As the story unfolded, I was beckoned to remember what I have been learning over these years. I was called to revisit the wise one within. A series of characters appeared to reflect this universal wisdom back to Hakim and, most noteably, back into my heart.

“When you are still, you can feel the sound of your own heart beating…But what is more important is to listen to its guidance. If we are always active, if we are always listening to the noise of the outside world, we forget that our heart will guide us if we only listen.”

I listened, as I often do, with an open heart. The message of this book is to find the one you seek, to know yourself, and to remember this…

  • I am never alone
  • When I am still, I can listen with my heart
  • Everyone has a special gift to share and it is by sharing it that we fulfill our own dreams
  • The path of greatest power is the path of love for everyone and everything
  • I make choices and my choices create my experiences

My Biggest Takeaway

Through all my work, love, and self-care over the years, I have practiced these wonderful invitations over and over again. However, one of them is the focus of my New Year intention. My word for the year, currency, comes full circle, both literally and figuratively, in the third point made above.

Everyone has a special gift to share and it is by sharing it that we fulfill our own dreams

To me, currency is a flow that, once given, streams back in one form or another. It reminds me to allow my gifts of writing, seeing the beauty in all things, loving passionately and growing in love every day, to flow even more freely this year as I continue to receive all that makes every dream and vision for my life come true!

This little book is packed with very powerful reminders about our own personal power in a sweet and tender way. It reminds me that there is a simplicity to life, and therein lies the greatest joy! In summary, I leave you with another beautiful quote from this sweet little book…

“Giving is the instrument through which life sings and receiving is also necessary or the song will not be heard.”

Enjoy the journey!

with love from my heart to yours,

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