Radiant Reads: The Art of Meditation

Wake Up to the Joy of You: Week 1

“Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world.”

Ancient Egyptian Proverb

Meditation has become one of my favorite topics, and I read this little chapter more than a few times. Though I appreciate meditation, this reading was an invitation to deepen my gratitude for this practice of mine. It is a tool I use daily to literally transform myself from the inside out.

Meditation is an ancient art that has made it’s way to us in the western world, thankfully! Like yoga, it is becoming more mainstream in our culture. There are many things to know about meditation, but the author suggests the most essential part is to practice with “heartfelt devotion”.

Some things to keep in mind (pun intended):

  • Meditation takes you on a journey to get to know yourself and your thoughts.
  • You can cultivate a meditative state in ways other than sitting still on a cushion.
  • Let yourself be curious and don’t force yourself to be calm. You’ll enhance your intuition as you tune in to subtleties.
  • Instead of trying to empty your mind, think of refocusing to more uplifting thoughts.
  • Let yourself luxuriate in meditative moments while in the car, at work, or in a relaxing bath.

“If you knew for sure that meditating could connect you to your soul, wouldn’t you want to start practicing and keep going no matter what?”

Agapi Stassinopoulos,
Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life,

Personally, as I have practiced meditation for more than a decade, I have had inspirations, awareness, and aha moments that have truly changed the course of my days and my life. The moment when I am inspired to do some great thing, big or small, I feel every cell in my body changing, configuring anew, and coming together to support me in that endeavor. Consequently, my senses are sharper, my creativity is enhanced, and I am keenly aware of how I feel in different situations. Moreover, meditation is a process.

Just Begin…

When I first started to meditate, I wondered if I was doing it right. However, I soon began to see that every incremental step I took on the journey led me to know that I was exactly where I was supposed to be at any given moment. I began to trust everything so much more, including how I was meditating.

The chapter ends with a short guided meditation. Similarly, I invite you to give meditation a try. The link below connects you to my own personal meditation. In less than 5 minutes, it will guide you to find your natural flow. Simply, it will make you aware of your breath. Sometimes we forget to breathe. Becoming aware can bring you into the present moment. Come back to your breath. Slow down and take a few minutes to Just Breathe.

Just Breathe: Find Your Flow Meditation

with love from my heart to yours,

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