When My Daughter Showed Me How to Go with the Flow

Feel the moment, be touched, and give thanks for the ones who share your life and flow with your soul.

Life keeps getting better and better, richer, and more beautiful. The daily experience of life itself is a journey over mountains of majesty, across barren deserts, deep into the woods, walking barefoot on pristine beaches, breathing in the fresh scents of spring. These are all metaphors for the marvelous journey we travel. As beautiful as these images are, we can sometimes miss the beauty of our own life experiences.

Inside every moment, there is a treasure, a golden nugget, something to explore…

I am learning to appreciate all of life’s experiences as beauty. Inside every moment, there is a treasure, a golden nugget, something to explore. Even more than that, there is something to allow. How can I be more still and allow life to brush by me and simply let it transform me, reach deep inside me, and show me it’s most exquisite gifts?

Today, my body asked me to rest. My daughter and I were the only two at home. It was quiet, and I felt the call to relax, so I went to my yoga mat, and I practiced fascial fitness. I simply let my body release with the most gentle stretches. At the end of my beautiful practice, I lay in Shavasana, eye pillow resting on my face, playing with the rhythm of my breath. In and out, chest to naval, belly to chest…gentle flowing breath.

The Power of Human Touch…

I was so enraptured with how I was feeling that it must have taken a few moments before I realized something was resting in my hand. Light as a feather, I felt it weave back and forth, a sensation unlike any other. I was curious but, rather than moving to see what it was, I just let it be. Feeling every wave, I soon realized that the quality of my breath had changed. I was going with this flow, my daughter’s little hand in mine, no resistance.  My eyes welled with tears at how amazing it was to truly feel this human touch. I felt sheer happiness and pure joy.

To touch the soul of another is to walk on holy ground.

Stephen Covey

Coming to my mat offered me so much awareness today. Not only did I have the opportunity to stretch, and breathe, but I had the gift of companionship. It was another metaphor for how I can allow someone else to be on my journey with me, close enough to touch my very skin. I can notice her. I can feel her. And I can allow myself to notice the changes within me and simply acknowledge the gift of this presence. No expectation, no reaction.

When I go with the flow, miracles happen…

How much more rich was my experience when I opened the bubble around my well-being and let another in… how intuitive it was for her to find the entry point and know exactly how to flow in unison. I am touched and forever more aware of my desire to allow the others in my life to simply be with me on the journey.

~Make it MAGICAL~

Listen to your body. Make time in your day for your own self-care. You may feel the call to take a walk, do yoga, dance, sing, play, read…make it a soul-nourishing experience. Whether it’s 5 minutes or one hour or more, give yourself the gift of something delicious. Allow yourself to be there, fully present to it. Then, notice all the beauty that flows into your experience. If someone shows up, acknowledge their presence. Feel the moment, be touched, and give thanks for the ones who share your life and flow with your soul.

with love and butterfly kisses,

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