You Were Meant to Flourish

Dear Heart in Bloom,

I’m sharing this story from a few years ago. It’s one of my favorites. Truthfully, I love them all, but if you asked me to tell you a quick and fun story, this is one I’d share…

I was reading the book, “The Prosperous Heart”, by Julia Cameron. The book sat within reach on my bedside table for weeks, and I followed, being prompted by the book’s messages to do the exercises at the end of each chapter. I love assignments. However, having gotten busy with the flowing days of summer, I suddenly let the book sit on my nightstand. That is, until one morning when I awoke to hear the book calling to me. I heard, “Read the remaining chapters today. You need to finish.”

How do I tune in?

Years ago, I would have ignored this inner prompting in order to get things done…clean my house, do dishes, things that I thought everyone would notice if I didn’t do them. By now, through years of practice (and I’m still practicing), I have come to allow this inner voice to be a guide. So, I did. I picked up the book and began reading in bed.

As I moved throughout my day, I took the book with me. I wanted to be sure I listened and I wanted to finish this book today. In between, however, I had been drawn to my computer to look up local yoga studios. So, I listened to that nudge as well. I had been doing yoga at home for years, and now that all my children were about to be in school full-time, I would explore doing yoga in a studio. Now, I had two assignments.

In my search for “the best” studios in my area, one name caught my attention. It glowed, it shimmered. It danced into my heart. FLOURISH. The name of the studio was Flourish Yoga. I wrote it down knowing that this glowing was an invitation to come back to it later. In the meantime, as I got to the last page of my book, I felt a rush of excitement, an inner tingle that no one else could see, a gradual climax that occurs when I am about to complete my assignment. I knew that I was almost done, and in completing that assignment, I would soon see why it was so urgent to finish this book today. Word by word, I read until the very last two sentences of the last instructional Chapter…

“You were meant to flourish. Live long and prosper.”

I went back to the note that I wrote to myself from my online search. Flourish. This is where I would begin my new in-studio Yoga practice. I just knew it, even though I didn’t yet know when and how. That night, I shared the story of this synchronicity threaded throughout my day with my family as part of our dinner conversation…just a sharing, and then I let it go.

In the coming weeks, as my three beautiful children began school and my birthday arrived, I received a precious gift from them…a gift certificate. It was a two-week trial pass to, none other than, Flourish Yoga. I have become so familiar with the synchronicity that continues when I take the time to share my stories beyond the MAGICAL feeling they give me~in words, aloud but softly spoken from my prosperous heart. I was meant to Flourish, and today, I am going to my fourth class.

In addition, since the day I arrived at the studio, I have experienced endless MAGICAL moments of synchronicity.

One of my favorite MAGICAL moments…

After several days of going to class, I suddenly noticed the address of the studio. It was located near the bottom of the door. Interestingly, the number read 10138. Not by any coincidence, that exact number, in that exact order, is also the address on my home. I was not only led to leave my home to do yoga, but I was led Back Om Again.


This is your invitation! Open to awareness….

It begins with a gentle whisper…a calling. That whisper offers you the choice to simply hear it or to turn it into a tender assignment, unique to you. As an assignment, it provides a container and a space for you to acknowledge it, and for it to acknowledge you. The momentum grows, the threads weave in and out of other events to bind them together, thus creating an intricate story that can be shared. This tapestry is a living work of art, and it is your invitation to Flourish, and to invite others to explore their own creative potential. With practice, trust strengthens. With trust, you can be led in utterly new and amazing directions even if, in the end, you’ve arrive ‘Back Om’ Again. The MAGICAL doorway awaits you.

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