Filling Your Cup!

Hello Beautiful Soul! 

We are home. We are sheltered in place and, on the outside, it looks like we have more time in our day.

You may be asking yourself, “Why am I not being more productive right now? Why can’t I get motivated?” These are questions I have from time to time during this quarantine. After all, we have more time… or do we? 

I’m more aware now than ever before that this New Normal requires a shift in perspective…

The truth is, I’m choosing to use my time to differently. My husband is here more days of the week as he works from home, so I pop in his office and ask how he’s doing. We get to have lunch together. Since everyone is home, I am adapting to two and three different lunchtimes. It may feel like less time for me, but I realize it’s time for reconnecting and nurturing relationships. In the meantime, I’m telling my family what I need as well, and we are learning to respect one another’s time. 

I’ve been making lots of smoothies since we’ve been home. 
It makes me feel good to make something good for them. 

Here’s a recipe for one of my favorite smoothies,
Tropical-Twist Mango & Basil Smoothie
It is different but the basil is the twist that makes it extra special…
a little something different just for you!

My young teenage daughter is doing school online. She requires a bit of a routine in order to get her assignments done. I’m making snack breaks and conference times to go over questions she has about writing a paper or setting up a Zoom meeting with her teachers and classmates. We had a picnic lunch in the middle of the living room this week. And just this morning, I sat and really just breathed and enjoyed brushing her long hair. 

Although my oldest child is not living at home, he is not working like many others. I’ve enjoyed the time we’ve made to chat more often and talk about life. He called last week to tell me there was a bald eagle outside his apartment window, and I got to experience his excitement. Signs that the animal kingdom is feeling more free to come out during our time inside.

Lastly, my teenage son is still working, and I have packed healthy lunches for him on a few occasions, taking them to his work while practicing social-distancing drop offs. Instead of worrying about him going to work, I’m doing something I love  while making something he loves, and we’re both feeling good about that! 

All that said, it takes time to go anywhere right now. In fact, I ordered groceries online the other day, and that took a little longer than going to the store.

We have the same amount of time we’ve always had, we’re just being in it differently. Today, I’m feeling grateful for the pantry full of food.

We also have full plates! And how about that cup? Is it full? Even though I do lots to fill my cup, I being more diligent to keep filling…

Filling Myself to Overflowing! 

The Rest of the World

 I wrote a Reflection about this on one of my glorious walks near my home. You can read it here.

I’m aware that it is best for me to move away from what I think I should be doing and be gentle with myself. Even though I’ve practiced this so much over the years, now is a time I’ve had to remind myself to let go of things I can’t control and lean into the present moment. 

“Know that wherever you are in your life right now is both temporary, and exactly where you are supposed to be. You have arrived at this moment to learn what you must learn, so you can become the person you need to be to create the life you truly want.”

Hal Elrod

I love that quote, and I do believe we are in a temporary place right now. At times I’m not comfortable with it. I do know that I can be with whatever I feel and do things to soothe those thoughts.

I read this book a few years ago that affirmed what I’ve been doing in my own way for decades. Right now, more than ever, having a morning routine gives me a focus and fills me with peace, joy, and appreciation. I notice the difference when I don’t start out this way. Again, it’s not about perfection. If something comes up, and I don’t do it, I remind myself to start again tomorrow. 

Practicing these Life S.A.V.E.R.S. is part of my own Miracle Morning.I wrote about about my experience after reading the book. You can read more here. I hope it gives you a place to start filling yourself with goodness and magic and miracles. Remember you can adapt it to what works for you. It’s not about adding more stress or crazy expectations to your already full life. It’s about filling yourself up in any way that feels good and right to you.

Be gentle and loving to yourself! 

I’m sending you so much love and appreciation and wishes for peace, love, and health!

Be well my Beautiful + Soulful + Creative friend. 

Fill yourself to overflowing! If you need a little inspiration for writing affirmations, click here to get your FREE Magical Message… a gift from my heart to yours.

Rosa Maria Szynski
Magical Living Mentor and Creative Dream Guide

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