Making Love in the Kitchen

“There is soul music, soul food, and soul love.”

Dalai Lama

Seems I am baking or cooking from scratch nearly every day. I’m loving the time in my kitchen while meditatively cutting vegetables and stirring pots, as well as moving to soul-stirring rhythms. These moments of presence are gifts for my spirit. I so appreciate my home, the food in my pantry, time, and the ones who enjoy all my creations.

That title might seem misleading… or is it? Each time I find myself in the kitchen, I realize I have been called here. I’m inspired. Cooking and baking are a part of me that I’ve embraced more and more through the years. Being a mother and wife, desiring to fill my family up with goodness and love, has made me a better cook. More than that, it’s made me a better person. Having someone to love is an anchor in this world. Love is the reason we are here. What better way is there to enjoy this journey than to love on purpose, to be laser beams of love?

Deliberate Creation…

So when I focus, with deliberate creation, on preparing each dish, I infuse them with love. That love is tangible and felt, not only in the belly but in the heart and soul of those who receive them.

My boys used to ask, “When are you going to open that restaurant?” They tell me they’ve discovered that secret ingredient I add to every dish. They say that someone else could make the same meal for them, and yet it wasn’t quite as fulfilling. I know now what they know. Beyond making meals in my kitchen, I’ve been making love.

Recipe for Love…

These super rich and fudgy vegan brownies are filled with so much goodness. I’ve been making them ever since the holidays. I made them twice just this week. It is a borrowed recipe, one I’m happy to share. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. I invite you to take time to immerse yourself in the process. You will love these brownies and so will anyone who is lucky enough to have you make them.

Here’s the recipe I used:

with love from my kitchen to yours,


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