Love Note for When You Wake Up in the Middle of the Night

Dear Sweet Beautiful Loves,

It’s nearly 4 o’clock in the morning, and I’m sitting at my kitchen table sipping a cup of my favorite bedtime tea by candlelight. I have a few things on my mind.

As a mom, I’ve been thinking about my children. I’m thinking about what I want to do next in my life and how it all fits together. I’m thinking about tomorrow and the list of things I want to do.

It’s why I get up and make a cup of tea and light my marvelous mango margarita scented candle. And I write. It soothes me. Long ago I learned that it’s better to get up and acknowledge these thoughts in my head. Most of the time, I realize I am awake for something bigger than my thoughts.

I have visions, ideas, and dreams…

Somewhere in the middle of the night, when everyone is at rest, I have a sacred space for connection with my soul. Just getting up and making a cup of tea says, “I hear you.” Lighting the candle ignites a warmth, a soft light to sit in reflection.

I write.

With my pen in hand, I take a few notes. I doodle a lot. I’m listening. I was nudged awake so I can put it down on paper. It will remind me in the light of day to take action.

It’s a love note from my inner self that inspires me to make something in the world. Most everything I do comes from this heart space of mine.

I’m inspired…

When I do this, I realize that my kids are okay. I don’t need to know much more about my life than what I’m doing right now. And tomorrow, I’ll know exactly what to do. Sitting here with my lavender tea nearly gone, I’m ready to go back to sleep. I’ve done my most important work…

Acknowledging the whisper in a busy world.

Making my own light in the dark of night.

Enjoying small sips.

Being gentle with myself.

These are my greatest gifts to my children and the world.

I hope my message of love brings a light of hope to your sleepless night. The world needs your light. Rest well.

Sweetest Dreams, My Loves


P.S. Connect with your Inner Dreamer. Write more Love Notes to yourself. Find out more here

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