A Gift From the Sea

“Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day- like writing a poem or saying a prayer.”
― Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Dear Shining Souls,

Every once in a awhile I read a book, and then I read it again. Somehow I found this special book on the library shelf five or more years ago. I haven’t exactly put my finger on why I had to read Gift from the Sea a second time, but I can say that I’m happy I did.

Gift from the Sea is one of those books, written decades ago, that somehow has something to say to me today. In fact, it has something to say to women, mothers, and creatives that is relevant in these interesting times.

It’s a small, easy read with under 150 pages. When I say easy, however, I mean, it is lyrical and gentle on the spirit. It was a perfect little book to revisit during 2020. In fact, I’m sure we would all welcome a bit more tenderness.

Originally written in 1955, Gift from the Sea explores the fullness of life from motherhood to work and career, including all the daily expectations of society. In fact, I settled into a nice warm candlelit bath with essential oils and epsom salts to take a break from the expectations, the ones I generally put on myself, and I began to read.

A Journey to the Sea…

Sweetly and tenderly, Ann Morrow Lindbergh, took me with her as she stepped away from her world for some much needed reflection near the ocean. It’s there that she tuned in and reconnected with her spirit, often comparing her life to the little treasures she discovered on the beach. Overall, she invited me to connect a little deeper, too.

I appreciate her willingness to share her vulnerable realizations, which she plans to take home with her. She invites me to take this special message home with me, too, while awakening “the memory that each cycle of the tide is valid; each cycle of the wave is valid; each cycle of relationship is valid.” In fact, my whole life is valid, and her message makes me ever more reverent.

I realize now, as I contemplate the book weeks after reading, the reason why I was compelled to read it again was because of its simplicity, truth, and honesty. So refreshing and so needed right now. I also realize that Lindbergh’s message is timeless.

The book was republished twenty years later, in 1975. Lindbergh admits that she wrote it initially for herself. In the beginning, she wondered if her revelations would have any value for others. However, as she shared with one and then another, she discovered something. She found that more women, both young and old, and even men, shared her desire to go deeper.

Sharing the Gift…

It’s something I have discovered, too. The more I share, the more connections I make. Above all, I recognize that we all have common needs and desires… to love and be loved…to be seen and heard. I’m grateful for Lindbergh’s unique gift to my heart in her Gift from the Sea. And I’m looking forward to reading it again someday. For now, however, I’ve tucked a newly purchased copy in a Christmas package to my sister.

with love, peace, tranquility, and reverence,


P.S. Give a gift from your heart. Write a Love Letter to someone or gift the book to them, so they can pass the love on. Find out more here.

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