“Dreams are the expressions of our souls that want and need to be recognized and honored so we can truly be alive.“
Rosa Maria Szynski
Dear Beautiful Soul,
Happy New Year and welcome the beginning of something new!
Though we are a few weeks into 2024, we are still at the beginning… There are many more days ahead in this new year to create your vision!
I’m popping in to share a few insights I’ve had on my creative journey.
Whether you want to make big changes or small ones, I have found that the best way to ignite a change is to be intentional. Sometimes it isn’t about making changes so much as it is about releasing and letting go of things that no longer serve your highest and best.
I have also discovered that I make bigger strides in my life when I set intentions within my goals.
What’s the difference between an intention and a goal?
A goal is something you set and work to attain. It is finite, and you’re supposed to feel good when you accomplish it. Sometimes, however, you might find you reached the goal but feel unfulfilled. If you don’t reach the goal, you might feel like you failed. A goal is generally external.
Intentions, on the other hand, are lived out each day. When you set an intention, you keep realigning yourself to meet it. Intentions are about your relationship with yourself. Setting an intention is about doing the inner work. It is a continuous journey, and most often you grant yourself the grace to keep realigning.
Of course, there is always room to create a beautiful balance between goals and intentions, where they can live in the same space and be fine-tuned overtime.
For today, I invite you to be intentional with your overview of the year ahead.
Did you pick a word for the year? If you haven’t, you might consider picking a word that sets the tone and energy for all the days to come. It’s not too late!
My word last year was AUTHENTICITY. Each day in my journal, I began with reflecting on how I could be more authentic and truer to who I want to be in the world. When I look back at 2023, I feel like it was truly a year of showing up and being more myself. My personal story of transformation, Waking Beauty, was published in the Life Shifts book by Inspired Living Publishing.
Our dreams, goals, visions, and intentions can feel out of reach when we first begin, so I believe in making them more tangible.
Several years ago, I was looking for a way to use what I know about journaling, affirmations, and making a vision board to create something I could hold in my hands. I decided I wanted to take my vision with me, making it portable when I traveled and easy to keep at my bedside.
I ultimately created a Dream Seed Vision Board. It is one of the most powerful tools I use to manifest and see my dreams come to life!
I’m proud to share my creation with you! I do one-on-one guided sessions, but for a limited time at the start of this new year, I am offering a self-guided journey where I walk you through my 7 Steps to Create your Own Personal Dream Seed Vision Board. It really works!!
“Such an INCREDIBLE experience with you! I have no words!
So so wonderful. You truly have a gift.”
Lena, Artist -United States
All dreams can be attained. Everything ispossible. It all starts when we decide to pay attention to our dreams!
Take one step towards connecting with your dreams today. Use images and words to discover and express your unique desire and create a physical vision that you can hold in your hands.
Learn more about Creating Your Own Dream Seed Vision Board here.
Connect with your authentic desires and renew your excitement and joy!
If you have any questions or need some guidance toward making 2024 your best and more wonder-filled year, reach out to me. Let’s Make it Magical!
With love and wishes for your dreams come true,
Rosa Maria, Magical Living Mentor™ & Creative Dream Guide™
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