“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
Anais Nin
Each spring for sixteen years, I have watched this beautiful Magnolia tree outside my home office window transform. I marvel at a creation that is once barren and suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, the first buds of new life appear. In the past, I might have noticed the green pods on the ends of each branch. However, in recent years, I’ve begun to recognize them as a signal to stay alert. Change is coming, and it has to! It is inevitable. That is the way of nature and all creation. It reminds me to recognize when I am ready for growth. Here, I notice where I may want to pull back and stay tight in that bud. Where do I begin? What is the first step? It is natural that each season will bring something new, and it is my joy to begin the journey right where I am.
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