I Hope You Dance on Your Magical Journey!

“A million tiny things have all been lined up in perfect divine orchestration to design your life!”

Rosa Maria Szynski

Dear Beautiful Soul,

It is always my joy to have my grown children back home and all together. Last weekend we had a bonfire to celebrate my son’s birthday. While we were in this milestone moment, I was transported twenty years earlier to my kitchen in my first home, washing dishes while my two little boys played, and I listened to a CD my mother sent me for my birthday. I can remember how one song truly touched my heart, and I realize now how it was woven into my personal life shift experience. The song was, “I Hope You Dance” by LeeAnn Womack.

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance…

I hope you dance

It was my mother’s wish for me. She said it often. “I hope you dance!” I’m not sure if she sensed what was happening in my life or if she was simply an instrument, the vehicle used to send this message to me. No matter how it got into my hands, I was being directed by the words that inspired me to begin taking action steps.

Over the years, I’ve realized that I had to embark on the journey that was at first the most daunting experience of my life. Navigating divorce was not easy on my heart or on my children, but I see how necessary it was for me if I was to become who I am today. Now I have three children, and I have been on the path of self-discovery every single day. Most of all, I have learned to celebrate my path because it has contributed to my unique journey.  It has created me!

And your unique path has created you! Take a moment today to reflect on your journey and bless it for bringing you to this place right now. A million tiny things have all been lined up in perfect divine orchestration to design your life!

Your journey is unique and that is your Superpower!

An Invitation: In your favorite journal, write about a moment that you remember when you took a step in a new direction that resulted in a life shift. What was the catalyst for that decision? Was it big and booming or subtle? Realize that your journey is unique, and you have a story to tell that will help someone else on their journey. Share your story!

If you are in that in-between place in life or you are ready for your own life shift,  consider reading my story, Waking Beauty.

Explore your unique life journey

with so much love from my heart to yours,

Rosa Maria

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