I am a wife, mom, teacher, writer, author, dancer, a creative soul, and certified yoga instructor. I am also a bonafide dreamer! I believe we are here to dream. Believing in the magic of life brings me absolute joy!
The Real Magic
I Love Life! There is beauty all around. I love nature and the simple pleasure of looking at the sky both day and night. I love flowers and trees and my long walks in the sun and in the rain. Music, singing, dancing, and movement of all kinds moves me! I love to meet people every day. Those momentary sweet connections with another human being buoys my belief in that something greater in all of us. I revel in my quiet moments. Solitude. Reflection. Appreciation for all the wonders that show up in my days.
I love my children, all three, and I welcome them as teachers in my life. I watch them grow, and I learn how to be a softer and kinder person in the world. They are my invitations to embrace every moment.
Someone to Share My Dreams
I love my husband, my Creative Dream Companion, who traveled into my dreams and literally met me again for the first time, even though we knew one another when we were young. His appearance in my life has deepened my awareness that every single thing we experience serves a wonderful and beautiful purpose.

Teaching and Learning
I have a bachelor’s degree in education and was a classroom teacher for about twenty years before deciding to be home with my children. My favorite times in the classroom were circle time, storytelling, learning centers, and morning journal writing. It was during these moments that I facilitated a community of sharing by truly listening and promoting self-discovery. I didn’t know at the time how much these precious moments would linger in the peripheral of my life. When a child who was in my classroom finds me again decades later, I marvel at their expression of gratitude. I’m amazed by what they remember. And I remember how lovely it is to have them in my world. Being a teacher has taught me to learn from others.

Learning to Explore
As someone who loves exploration, I have traveled abroad to Europe to places like Paris for the sheer beauty, to Rome, Venice, and Florence for the art and history, and to Hawaii where I loved swimming with sea turtles and received a Level 1 Reiki Training on the beach. I have traveled close to home as well. I love to go on horseback rides and, recently, I took a guided ride with my horse for the day to the ocean near San Diego. Mostly, I’ve learned that I absolutely love self-discovery and personal expansion. I’ve also learned that exploration can be done wherever I go. That’s why I love meditation, walks, coming to my yoga mat, and my beloved journal.
I have been a mother for over twenty years. Truly appreciating my children for the unique gifts they’ve brought into my life is what relationship means to me. Rather than seeing eye to eye, I’ve learned to meet one another heart to heart. Life with children has called me to pay attention, be present, and offer them what I cherish deeply…

My love and appreciation for life
I have been a student of life, love, and spirituality since I can remember! I love reading books, and I am open to learning. When something calls to me, I listen with an open heart and I am led on wonderful new adventures. Exploration and self-discovery excite me! I am passionate about seeing life through the eyes of my loves and the lens of my camera. Taking pictures of beauty allows me to focus and refocus on the things I adore. Most of all, I love to write, express my heart, and share my stories. I love making connections and seeing the beauty of life unfold in every circumstance.
we travel together and explore new things…
Living life as a family is a constant reminder that presence and awareness are essential.
my greatest gift…
My family is my greatest gift. They show me that relationship is the most powerful reason to be here on earth, to truly interact with each other, to practice being who we are here to be, to thrive in love, and to discover the beauty of our own real love stories.
I believe beauty and love are the real magic of life. And I imagine a world where we are all seen and heard, appreciated and valued, simply for being here. I’m so glad you’re here!