I love looking up at the clouds and seeing formations like rabbits, dogs, and other fun shapes. Sometimes, one shape is just so clear to me, and when I try to show it to someone else, they can’t see it. On this particular day, I was driving along when I suddenly thought I saw an angel in the sky. Then, as the clouds drifted, I eventually saw there was a new image. I saw a person kneeling, as if in a prayer position. Can you see him? He’s visible in the darker clouds.
Later, when I showed the picture to my son, I asked him what he saw. He immediately said he saw a dove. I didn’t see it at all. My mind was so fixed on the praying man that I just couldn’t see the bird. Eventually I asked him to trace the image, so I could see what he saw. Then, out of the clear blue, my mind relaxed enough to receive it. There it was! A beautiful dove with outstretched wings? Can you see it, too? Maybe you saw him first.
What I Learned…
In either case, this encounter made me realize that what I saw was about what I was open to seeing. Was I receptive to another perspective? Sometimes tuning in to someone’s point of view isn’t easy at first, and it can be frustrating when you try to show someone, and they just don’t see it your way.
I do believe it’s possible to see another perspective when we first allow ourselves to consider it. When we let go of expectation, we take the first step. One way I practice letting go is by sitting in silence. I am less attached when I sit quietly. I breathe in and out and let my thoughts pass like puffy clouds in the sky.
“Open yourself to guidance. Give up attachment to having things your way.”
Iyanla Vanzant
This is how I was able to see my son’s perspective. I love my son, and I want to be open to his thoughts and feelings. Immediately after I told him I could see his perspective, he explained that the world could use more of this. Everything can be seen in different ways, but it’s up to us to release our ego and allow others to see what they see. Even better, how wonderful it is to know that we can see it two different ways, and they can both be beautiful!
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